Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ok, lets get serious.

I've been doing some online IQ tests lately, and they have determined that I am gifted with intelligence. So, lets figure out the best way to get a Ferrari.

In order to "buy" a Ferrari, a lot of money is required.
Most people get money from their job.
If, your job doesn't pay very well, you should be looking for a new job.
If, their aren't any new jobs where you live, you can do two things.

1) Move somewhere there are better paying jobs and cost of living is low.
2) "Create" your own job in your area. Most likely by starting a business.

Of these two options, the second is the most feasible.

So I need small business ideas that work in other places that have yet to be brought to PEI.

I need your suggestions, please!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

A beautiful example...

I have to share this piece with you. It is stunning. Also a rare Series Speciale. Classic.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


I am a huge lottery advocate. This is one of my longest running attempts at Ferrari ownership.

Alas, so far it has not paid off. Perhaps I'm not buying enough tickets?

Food for thought...

Monday, February 5, 2007

Background time

OK, by now you're all wondering why I don't just go out and buy a Ferrari, right?

I should let you know what I'm up against...

I figure I will need a minimum of $40000 to purchase an acceptable, working Ferrari.
So far I have approximately $260 saved toward this purchase.

I know what your thinking, "this guy has no money, or a job and he's probably like 13 years old".
Not the case. I only save what money I get from non-job related sources. I work two jobs, that both pay poorly, but those paychecks go towards the usual things like mortgage, bills, rrsp's, etc.

So far the best non-job money source I've found have been coin collection. Meaning I don't spend any change, I simply roll it all.

I am open for any non-job income ideas or suggestions you may have.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Initial Post

This is my first blog post.

A few years from now we'll look back and see that this is how it all got started.

So, I'd like to thank those in the future that will contribute to my wealth and for helping me obtain my first Ferrari. You may not know who you are yet, but someday you will.
